Reading at Woodford
The reading improvement priority is already having a huge impact on the children's progress and learning. Accelerated Reader statistics show that across the school the children have read a staggering 16, 785, 555 words in total. The average class quiz rate across the school is 85.3%. The children are showing clear enjoyment for the reading sessions, discussion around vocabulary and books and learning and applying new knowledge. A visit this week from a Devon English consultant highlighted that:
- Pupils were enthusiastic, engaged and talked positively about their reading.
- The level of independence of the other children was very good. In most cases they read independently with great focus.
- There was very clear focus on reading strategies with explicit praise.
- There was a very clear focus on vocabulary across all sessions, both planned and more incidental.
This demonstrates the strong start that staff and children have made. Thank you for your support with the phonics and reading at home. It is making the difference to children's progress in reading. Remember to record the reading practice in the Learning Partnership Planners.